Monday, June 29, 2009

Sad he is dead...

...Steven 'Seething' Wells was one of my contemporaries and rivals when I worked for MM in the 80s in the north - and he was doing the same for NME. I liked the man and his writing, you will be missed Swellsy... for Michael Jackson - am I alone in thinking the hype and outpouring of grief a la Princess Di may come back to haunt some of those who are weeping the most?

Sure, Wacko Jacko was a pop genius (but let's not forget the part Quincey Jones played in the whole extravaganza) and the likes of Billie Jean are true pop classics - but isn't there an element of Robert Maxwell in the mix? Remember, when Capn' Bob died and the Daily Mirror eulogised him for a week - but quickly changed their tune when they found out he had diddled them out of their pensions?

I would harbour a guess that opinion may not be so sympathetic of Jacko if stories leak out (which I am told they will) about his treatment of family and friends. Then there may be some questions asked about why 16-page glorifications of his life were rushed out. Or maybe I'm just an old cynic and have got it all wrong...time will tell...